904 Leads Added In Q2

Get SEO Clients That Have Raised Millions For Your Agency

Stop relying on referrals to grow your agency. Get 100+ SEO leads with 30+ data points from recently funded companies in your inbox monthly.

Save $1,000s Yearly

We invest in the databases and tools that have the most accurate data to save you thousands each year.

Save 100+ Hours

We spend hundreds of hours sourcing and verifying data to help you focus on closing more SEO clients.

30+ Data Points

We include over thirty data points per company to help you identify how to improve the SEO for them.

100% Verified Data

We human-verify each data point to ensure you get accurate and up-to-date data to grow your agency.

100% Compliant Data

We source our data through legal GDPR-compliant methods to assure you it's not due to a leak or hack.

Limited Client Numbers

We keep our data exclusive to a limited number of clients to reduce any lead competition overlap.

Data Points Breakdown

SEODB.io includes 34 data points per company to help you identify how to improve their SEO. No data points are missing. All the data is human-verified.

Simple Yearly Pricing

SEODB.io saves you thousands of dollars sourcing leads with simple yearly pricing. Get 100+ new SEO leads with 30+ data points from recently funded companies monthly.


$0 / Year

Scale your sales pipeline. Save thousands and hundreds of hours sourcing leads each month.

30+ Verified Data Points Per Company

10 New Leads Each Month

Master Database Of 904 Leads

Subscribe →


2 Months Free

$970 / Year

Scale your sales pipeline. Save thousands and hundreds of hours sourcing leads each month.

30+ Verified Data Points Per Company

100+ New Leads Each Month

Master Database Of 904 Leads

Subscribe →

* 904 Leads Added In Q2

Frequently Asked Questions

It's perfect for marketing agencies, marketing consultants, and SaaS companies. It's also ideal for investors and journalists. The different uses for each user remove the concern of competition over leads.

Prices will increase for new users as the database grows. Price increases are to limit lead competition. There's no price increase for current users. They're locked into the price they paid when subscribing.

Leads get emailed via Airtable on the second Monday of each month. They can be viewed on Airtable or downloaded to CSV. New subscribers get instant access to the latest master database of leads.

Approximately 83% of the companies are in the United States. The remaining 17% are in the United Kingdom. The location statistics get updated with the release of the latest leads each month.

All the data points are human-verified. That means there is no missing information for any company. That ensures that the lead quality is high. That's important when doing outreach campaigns.

The data gets sourced from public places like filings and publications. No data point is ever the result of a leak or hack. The data sourcing methods used are verifiable and GDPR-compliant.

Ravinder Deol

I launched SEODB.io to help your agency get clients that have raised money for growth. I share 100+ SEO leads with 30+ data points monthly. It'll save your agency time and money. It'll allow you to focus on meetings and sales without investing in expensive tools.

Send Me Leads →